why i chose media studies

i chose media studies to gain a insight into the media industry and in the future be able to obtain a media career with the qualification that i would have gained . Also i have taken other visual media courses.

Monday, 11 October 2010

The frankfurt school

The hyperdermic syringe theory consists of people believing that the media have metaphorically injected ideas into peoples heads.i.e playing a voilent game would cause you to act voilently in reality.

Monday, 4 October 2010

hitlers ideology

Hitlers ideology

Hitler had a very different ideology. He believed that the world should only have the "perfect race" he also believed very strongly in exterminating the minor races this was named social darwinism. He also believed in the one perfect airyn race should be the only race on the earth. His ideology was very negative because he belied in the extermination of a whole type of people.