why i chose media studies

i chose media studies to gain a insight into the media industry and in the future be able to obtain a media career with the qualification that i would have gained . Also i have taken other visual media courses.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

MUSIC+ garage band

The music is still undecided at this point due to the copyright restriction, i do know that it will be slow paced to go with the emotional side of the sequence.

I have recently been searching on youtube for uncopyrighted bands/artists and have decided on music played by either the bag pipes or pan pipes which both relate to the emotional side of war especially bag pipes which are commonly played at funerals

We used garage band to try and create music for my video as we were not allowed to use copyrighted music. I had combined two pre-made loops to create a great relaxing tune that contains an emotional asset that may link into my are drama genre. cool tune.

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