why i chose media studies

i chose media studies to gain a insight into the media industry and in the future be able to obtain a media career with the qualification that i would have gained . Also i have taken other visual media courses.

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Idea for my film/treatment

-Emotional war drama following a soldier who has left the war but still has memories of his unfortunate life-featuring emotional music,flashbacks into army life and how bad it was and how bad he is being treated now. There will also be a voice over commentating on the life of the former soldier mentioning what he has done and how he is treated. . There will be shots where he looks isolated and rejected and insignificant and there will also be flashbacks of him suffering in the army as he reloads his rifle and as he cowers behind cover to show how hard his life is. The flash backs would consist of shots shown through a scope and a pull focus of a gun barrel and reloading a magazine as well as running with the camera acting as his eyes and finally a shot of sneaking up on somebody and empty casings dropping on the floors steaming. Whereas the present day shots would be filmed as the character walks on his own carrying all his possesions to make the audince feeel sorry for him whilst looking at pictures of his fellow dead friends in utter solice

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