why i chose media studies

i chose media studies to gain a insight into the media industry and in the future be able to obtain a media career with the qualification that i would have gained . Also i have taken other visual media courses.

Monday 6 December 2010

Textual Analysis 2 = Rambo , First Blood

The opening scene of rambo fist blood consists of rambo walking(from a longshot ) on his own in the cold towards the camera (which is very similar to what i want in my film) with cars going past him this makes the audience feel that everybody has rejected him even though he has fought for there country.The sound in the scene has been kept diegetic as there are only noises are the assing cars . The editing is also very slow as there isnt much action to keep up with. The characters performance is kept very low key and emotionless as that is what he is trying to portray throught the film. the scene shows how his country have cast him aside after he quits the army which is similar to the idea of my film.
The mise-en-scen is kept very simple and is just a road with a car going past every now and then there is also a man walking ,Rambo, wearing what looks to be military clothes which tells the audience that he is or was once part of the army, the emptyness of the mise-en-scen could support the fact that he has now been rejected by the army and now lives alone which is why there is no life in the sequence.
The editing mainly consists of long takes which sets the slow pace for the rest of the sequence the slow pace because he's lived a life full of action and now all he wants to do is live peacefully,represented by slow editing using long takes.

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