why i chose media studies

i chose media studies to gain a insight into the media industry and in the future be able to obtain a media career with the qualification that i would have gained . Also i have taken other visual media courses.

Monday 6 December 2010

Textual Anaylisis 1 = Saving Private Ryan

Saving private ryan begins with the action sequence of storming the beach on D-day. straight away this shows the audience thaty the film is going to be violent and establishes the scene and atmosphere of the scene.this opening sequence follows the generic conventions for both the action genre and war sub genre of fast paced editing and lots of camera wobble (signifying explosions and panic)with lots of bullet noise and generel war ambience, there are also guns and explosions which are expected of the war genre and are typicall for the action genre. This sequence also establishes the main character it does this by focusing on him and showing the scene from his perpective. The end of the sequence shows the camera pan down to a soldiers back labeled pvt ryan which then opens the plot of thew film.
The mise-en-scene in the opening scne is of a french beach with lots of metal obstacles littering the beach this is because it was trying to resemble the normandy invasion and its trying to be as true to its form as possible. There are also lots of boats floating in the backgorund.the costumes and props are those that would have been used in the actual invasaion so once again the film could show the real as it happend to a certain degree.
The sound used consists of both diegetic and non-diegetic with a strong abient sound. ther are plenty of explosions and gunshots with lots of shouting this builds up the chaos and panic that the soldiers are experiencing this again has been done to try and show the hard times that the soldeirs faced during the real thing.There has also been a lot of asynchronus sound added.
The sequnce has been heabily edited using lots of short takes and few transitions other than clear cuts they have also added in a lot post production sound.
Finally the camera work is following the generic conventions of both action films and war films by using lots of camera eyes( in the eyes of the soldier) and close ups to show the expression and emotion that is on the faces of the soldiers to make the audience feel for them.

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