why i chose media studies

i chose media studies to gain a insight into the media industry and in the future be able to obtain a media career with the qualification that i would have gained . Also i have taken other visual media courses.

Monday 6 December 2010

Textual Anaylisis 3 = Windtalkers

The opening scene consists of a close up of a flowing river surface which is then turned red by blood and finally a body floats past the camera this tells the audience straight away the type of film this is going to be which is a war film this can also be supported by the uniform and props the dead man is wearing and furthermore you can here the ambient sound of guns and explosions typically found in the war genre. Almost immediatly after the body there is a medium shot of the main character (Nicolas cage) shooting into the bushes across the river. The body was wearing the same uniform as cage's character which could mean that they are having trouble and are starting to lose the fight. the camera then pans across to the rest of the squad so we are introduced to more caracters whilst establishing more of the jungle setting also at this point there is another explosion in the background. There is a tense atmosphere because there is lots of smoke around so you cant see very far but there is also no music playing just the war ambience and the occasianl explosion to maybe make the audince jump which in turn then puts the audince into the characters shoes. Then the enemy soldiers start to attack at this point there is still no music put the pace of the editing does pick up to make it seem more chaotic and fast paced which is very common in the war genre. there are also some close ups of the charcters looking around this makes them come across as dazed or confused or in a war genre case it would make them come across as shell shocked or something similar.

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